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My profile

My photo
hello ! i'm syamim .
15 years old .
hoping 4 9A's in my PMR .
im so easy being bored
and I want to try blogging :D

Credit to my friends !

Ilham and Siti Mariam and Rifqi and Aliah
tnpe diorg blog ini mungkin x wujud skarg ni . haha

Attention !

Hello . haha . juz wanna let u know that i put links 4 myfrens fb at their names . thats all ! thx 4 reading .


uhhh . Thank you ? :P

23-11-2010 . hello ! 1st of all thx to all follower n to my cousin Nurul Haswina sbab ltak aq kt blog die . haha . bce la blog die gk . sila click di sini utk bce blog die . kalo bole follow la skali .


Hari yg indah (ceh!)

18-11-2010 dri bgun pgi smpai la ke ptg mnunggu die x mncul2 jgak . haha . main fifa street 2 then mlm bru rmai sket on9 tpi yg pnting TYA on9


Sorry ! :D

17-11-2010 hello ! 1st of all sry sbab da lme x update blog ni . sbab kbelakangn ni agk busy (mls) . haha . byk bnde nk cte nih .


A zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz day

10-11-2010 hoho ! sry lmbt update . smalam x smpat doe . haha .1st skali aq nk ucap HAPPY BIRTHDAY kt Nizam . hari jadi die 7-11 . ok . pg aq gi skola utk main BOLA TMPAR .  dpt jgak no. 3 . ok la tuh . Harmoni champion lgi =.= .


What a day ! huh

8-11-2010  Phew ! bpk pnat harini . dri pgi ke mlm x dpt rehat lgsong . haha . smalam da la tido lmbt . tpi xpe . brbaloi jgak sbab chelsea KALAH . arsenal pon klh jgak !


Facebook :D

7-11-2010  yeay ! i finally tell facebook that i have a blog 0.0 segan kott . tpi skarg da ok . haha . tros up kot blog aq . ceh ! 12 followers .


A shitty day :D

6-11-2010 bgon pkol 11 . gile pnat ! ye la smalam chat smpai kol 12 . haha . bgon then juz on9 smpai ptg pstu gi main bola . pstu mlm lpk ngan Alep . aja die skype . haha . mmber gua da pro da skarg ! . smalam Adila telah join the skype group


A very tiring but an enjoyable day

5-11-2010 So . lets just go straight to the point shall we ? haha . pgi2 dlm kol 8 da bgon sbab Epul ckp die nk dtg . tpi kol 9.30 x smpai2 lgi . =.= .dlm kol 10 cmtu bru diorg smpai . xde disiplin btol la . pstu Gary smpai . last2 bru Imran smpai .


Mmber bru di SKYPE !

4-11-2010 . bpk mls gile nk mmpos siot aq nk update2 blog ni . tpi utk korg aq kne update jgak ( ceh !) harini dri pg smpai ptg aq on9 je . tlg Arep dgn TOP . chat ngan Epul . pstu Lukman ngan Ani join the skype group .


Next day , and the next day , and the next day , and the next day

3-11-2010 Hello ! harini cuti kott . yeay ! haha . so . start dri pgi . emmm . pgi tdi bgon tdo kol 9.30 tros on smpai kol 12 . pstu Gary ngan Imran dtg umah aq . then Amer ngan Anas . last skali Epul ngan Adlisyam .


Today is a Goodday . Or is it Tuesday ?

Hello ! so . gotta write my blog daily now ! kinda pain in the @$$ .so  whatever . lets just talk about today . bangun tido kol 5.30 bla3 mcm smalam . siap sume . zzzzzz . sume sme je mcm smalam . lets just skip to the school part . smpai2 skola tros lpk sbelah kiosk ngan Epul . then 2 min lps tu Ikram smpai . pstu rmai2 smpai . yeay ! .


Daily blog ?

1-11-2010 Hello ! jdi aq tulis blog lgi ni  ? mmg blogger mcm ni ke ? u mean daily ? seriously ? haha . jkjk . idk nk tulis ape ni smpai stiap hari kne tulis . woh ! ok . fine . i will write daily . lets talk about today . emmm . lets see , 

Skype :D

Skype Me™!