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My profile

My photo
hello ! i'm syamim .
15 years old .
hoping 4 9A's in my PMR .
im so easy being bored
and I want to try blogging :D

Credit to my friends !

Ilham and Siti Mariam and Rifqi and Aliah
tnpe diorg blog ini mungkin x wujud skarg ni . haha

Attention !

Hello . haha . juz wanna let u know that i put links 4 myfrens fb at their names . thats all ! thx 4 reading .


uhhh . Thank you ? :P

23-11-2010 . hello ! 1st of all thx to all follower n to my cousin Nurul Haswina sbab ltak aq kt blog die . haha . bce la blog die gk . sila click di sini utk bce blog die . kalo bole follow la skali .


Hari yg indah (ceh!)

18-11-2010 dri bgun pgi smpai la ke ptg mnunggu die x mncul2 jgak . haha . main fifa street 2 then mlm bru rmai sket on9 tpi yg pnting TYA on9


Sorry ! :D

17-11-2010 hello ! 1st of all sry sbab da lme x update blog ni . sbab kbelakangn ni agk busy (mls) . haha . byk bnde nk cte nih .


A zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz day

10-11-2010 hoho ! sry lmbt update . smalam x smpat doe . haha .1st skali aq nk ucap HAPPY BIRTHDAY kt Nizam . hari jadi die 7-11 . ok . pg aq gi skola utk main BOLA TMPAR .  dpt jgak no. 3 . ok la tuh . Harmoni champion lgi =.= .


What a day ! huh

8-11-2010  Phew ! bpk pnat harini . dri pgi ke mlm x dpt rehat lgsong . haha . smalam da la tido lmbt . tpi xpe . brbaloi jgak sbab chelsea KALAH . arsenal pon klh jgak !


Facebook :D

7-11-2010  yeay ! i finally tell facebook that i have a blog 0.0 segan kott . tpi skarg da ok . haha . tros up kot blog aq . ceh ! 12 followers .


A shitty day :D

6-11-2010 bgon pkol 11 . gile pnat ! ye la smalam chat smpai kol 12 . haha . bgon then juz on9 smpai ptg pstu gi main bola . pstu mlm lpk ngan Alep . aja die skype . haha . mmber gua da pro da skarg ! . smalam Adila telah join the skype group


A very tiring but an enjoyable day

5-11-2010 So . lets just go straight to the point shall we ? haha . pgi2 dlm kol 8 da bgon sbab Epul ckp die nk dtg . tpi kol 9.30 x smpai2 lgi . =.= .dlm kol 10 cmtu bru diorg smpai . xde disiplin btol la . pstu Gary smpai . last2 bru Imran smpai .


Mmber bru di SKYPE !

4-11-2010 . bpk mls gile nk mmpos siot aq nk update2 blog ni . tpi utk korg aq kne update jgak ( ceh !) harini dri pg smpai ptg aq on9 je . tlg Arep dgn TOP . chat ngan Epul . pstu Lukman ngan Ani join the skype group .


Next day , and the next day , and the next day , and the next day

3-11-2010 Hello ! harini cuti kott . yeay ! haha . so . start dri pgi . emmm . pgi tdi bgon tdo kol 9.30 tros on smpai kol 12 . pstu Gary ngan Imran dtg umah aq . then Amer ngan Anas . last skali Epul ngan Adlisyam .


Today is a Goodday . Or is it Tuesday ?

Hello ! so . gotta write my blog daily now ! kinda pain in the @$$ .so  whatever . lets just talk about today . bangun tido kol 5.30 bla3 mcm smalam . siap sume . zzzzzz . sume sme je mcm smalam . lets just skip to the school part . smpai2 skola tros lpk sbelah kiosk ngan Epul . then 2 min lps tu Ikram smpai . pstu rmai2 smpai . yeay ! .


Daily blog ?

1-11-2010 Hello ! jdi aq tulis blog lgi ni  ? mmg blogger mcm ni ke ? u mean daily ? seriously ? haha . jkjk . idk nk tulis ape ni smpai stiap hari kne tulis . woh ! ok . fine . i will write daily . lets talk about today . emmm . lets see , 


Oh , would you look at the date

31-10-2010 aq bgun tido tros tngk jam aq .Esok da msok bln 11 .Trkejot gk aq sbab bgi aq bln 10 antare bln trgmpak bgi aq .Byk pngalamn bru aq dpt . Syok beb ! bru 3 minggu lps PMR . Da enjoy gile nk mmpos . haha

Youtube !!!

Hello . Aq sje nk bgi taw korg beberape channel kt youtube yg aq suke gile tngk . Ad yg klakar , ad yg kreatif . Aq mmg respect gile diorg ni . Aq slalu tngk ble ad free time . harap korg tngk jgk n enjoy Open-mouthed smile

My 1st post ! enjoy

30-10-2010  Aq tngk final Piala Malaysia. Haha .Aq x mnt sgt bola sepak Malaysia ni .Tpi mmber2 aq tngk la .Ramai yg sokong N9 tpi Kelate yg mng .Malam tu aq chat ngan diorg (Mariam,Ain,Ilham,Rifqi,Aliah,Epul,Fatin) di Skype .Haha .Best doe lpk2 ngan diorg . Tpi diorg chat smpai kol 2 pg . Aq gi tngk Manutd vs Tontenham .Match start agk lmbt la dlm kol 12.30 pg .Nmpknye xde la mmbazir aq tdo lmbt sbab Manutd mng 2-0 . yeay ! . Then aq tros tido . zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Skype :D

Skype Me™!